Physical Geography
as Modified by Human Action
Partly Press
Poetry / Natural History
84 pp. 7.5 x 10 in.
ISBN 978-1-7352215-2-6
Physical Geography as Modified by Human Action explores the perception of landscape through language. Alongside his own poetic inquiries, the author recombines and permutes text from the work of natural historians who wrote in the 18th and 19th centuries, including George Perkins Marsh, Mary Somerville, and Henry Thoreau. Catalogs, footnotes, lists, textual echoes, and illustrations correspond to form a reimagined public domain.
Milwaukee, WI: Woodland Pattern Book Center
Portland, OR: Passages Bookshop
Chicago, IL: INGA
Dan Beachy-Quick | CSU Center for Literary Publishing
Kylan Rice | The Carolina Quarterly
Sample Pages